"Ever ancient... ever new". Psalm 116 hails from a group of psalms known as the 'Hallel Psalms' (songs of Praise sung by the Jewish people at such festivals as Passover).
"What shall I render to the Lord for all His bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of Salvation And call upon the Name of the Lord." - Psalm 116:12-13 Dear Jesus... as I meditate upon the words of this verse of the Psalm, it comes to mind that You most likely sang this Psalm at the Last Supper, not long before offering us the ultimate gift of Your Body and Blood. And 'the cup' of which You sang referred to Your impending Sacrifice and Death. With gratitude and awe, I ponder those lines; and yet, I ask myself if I honour Your gift by receiving Your Body and Blood with reverence and the awareness of the Sacrifice You offered for my (our) salvation. Do I honour Your Presence in those who have received You--those with whom You dwell? How quickly I can become distracted and can lose the sacredness of the event. I pray for deeper faith and understanding of the power of Your Presence among us. I find myself thinking of a line in a hymn; "You give Yourself to Us O Lord...then selfless let us be... to serve each other in Your Name... in Truth and Charity". "This I can return to the Lord for all His bounty to me". (Gift of Finest Wheat) "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His faithful ones. O Lord I am Your servant You have loosed my bonds." - Psalm 116:15-16 Dear Jesus, You died that we might have Eternal Life. What joy to think of the Communion of Saints. So many of my friends and family have gone home to their Eternal rest in the past few years. The knowledge of Your mercy and compassion is consolation. Even in the midst of human grief. Daily I strive to be Your servant, and in spite of my failings... You daily 'loose my bonds' and forgive. In turn, I must also 'loose my bonds' and spread Your message of compassion and love. "I will offer You a thanksgiving sacrifice And call on the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord In the Presence of all His people." - Psalm 116:17-18 Dear Jesus...How could one not be joyful and thankful for all You have given as gift, especially the gift of Eucharist. But You would be justified in being impatient with me. To 'pay my vows in the presence of the people' is exactly what You ask, as You ask for the renewal of Your Church. It is not such a difficult thing to do... but it requires strength and faith and courage and trust in the Holy Spirit... and most of all: selflessness. I thought that (at my age) I would have had that under control! I will continue to pray that, using the gifts You have given me, I will strive to share Your message of Salvation through word and deed, "in the presence of the people", knowing that You are always with me. Amen. Lynda Tyler
January 2025