A Reflection on the Second Reading for Sunday, January 8th, 2023: The Feast of EpiphanyEphesians
Given me for you. A mystery revealed. This is what was given to St. Paul for the people he met in Ephesus, and for the people who would listen in on his letter to them written in their language. This is what was given to him for me. ‘Given’ implies it wasn’t his to begin with; someone gave it to him. That would be You, Holy Spirit. He didn’t perceive what was under the veil as he spent a lifetime studying Your words given to his people, and meticulously living out the practices. You removed the veil for him as You removed the caul covering his eyes and restored his sight. You gave him this, Lord. You re-wrote his story in the uncovering of Your heart. As You showed St. Paul how far and wide Your grace could go, Your light revealed a pattern. It had always been in the Law and the Prophets, but hard to see because the light was insufficient. Now You cast the light for him through the prism of the Son, crucified and risen, and in the amplifying explosion of colour he could see. He could see the wonder of the multifaceted breadth of Your salvation. This was not just for him, or for his people, but for all people.
In Christ Jesus through the Gospel. Oh my Lord, what You have given us! Change. Just what we needed. Change happens in each of us as we meet You on the Damascus road, but the unveiling happens together. St. Paul’s scales fell off his eyes when Ananias laid hands on him and asked You to fill him. This mystery waiting to be uncovered was that we are in this together with You and with each other. Holy Spirit, let me be able to say that, ‘given me for you,’ for someone else. Let me be able to live that, ‘given me for you.’ Remove the covering from my eyes so that I can really see the multifaceted wonder of Your grace for the people You bring near me. Let us become jointly together enjoyers of the land, living in the same skin, possessors of change. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Noreen Smith
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January 2025