"Let Him Lead": A Reflection on The Psalm for July 22nd, 2018: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time18/7/2018
"May we, like David, rejoice in the guidance and generosity of our selfless and loving Lord. " - Donna Davis (Ora Reflections)
18/7/2018 10:11:20 am
For so many reasons, this reflection has captured my heart. The psalm (23) itself has been a mainstay in my faith journey, but your reference to Hinds' Feet on The High Places grabbed me, too! This book was also given me by a priest during a pivotal time in my healing journey, and I have recommended it many times over.
Donna Davis
18/7/2018 03:13:41 pm
Well, isn't that a "Godincidence" (as our own Judy Savoy would say)? Incredible, really. But then again, it is an incredible book. Perhaps we should expect it the incredible more than we do. I know I should. Thank you, Lori.
Lorrie Yunace- O’leary
18/7/2018 11:13:48 am
Donna. Your reflection brought me to prayers for my children who suffer from coming from divorced parents. Some days I can see their pain so clearly. But your reflection gives me great hope for their future. It also allows me to surrender their future to God. Hearing and seeing how God worked in your life gives me true hope. I pray the Good Shepard will seek them and provide them with rest in times of darkness. God bless Lorrie
Donna Davis
18/7/2018 03:51:07 pm
Divorce is not always the worse outcome, and I know you realize that, Lorrie. But, I would venture to say, it nearly always leaves wounds that are slow to heal. Still, our God loves us and longs to embrace us as we heal. This may sound strange to some, but I wouldn't change a thing about that summer after my dad died. The Lord supported me with love through the grief and loneliness. I knew I was drawn in close to His side. God bless your children. The Lord walks alongside them. He will give them all the light and rest they need, and you will pray night and day that they lean into Him.
Suzanne LeBlanc
19/7/2018 08:56:53 am
Thanks so much for your sharing here, Donna. Such a wonderful witness to the power of the humble Shepherd to bring us through heartbreak! And, thanks to you others who have shared.
Donna Davis
19/7/2018 01:20:10 pm
Your message is lovely, Suzanne. And I seem to have come across some info on how to deal with the technical question. Give this a go: https://www.wikihow.com/Put-an-eBook-on-an-iPad. Best, Donna
Suzanne LeBlanc
21/7/2018 09:57:49 am
Thanks for your encouragement and for the link, Donna. I am only familiar with the public library apps, Libby and Overdrive. Good to be motivated to learn to buy ebooks that the public library don't, and often won't, carry. XO Leave a Reply. |
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